Sunday 31 August 2014

Incoming [August]

I am so grateful! Seriously it's all so lovely, surprise mail, pay it forward mail and mail mail. As well as more Gotochi postcards from folks who went away during Obon! Yippee! These are the only letters I have left to reply to then I'm all clear. I will be asking recipients to take their time responding as I would like a breather. Anything after these will have to wait not unless I feel strongly compelled to write, which be great if I do.

I have been stupidly busy that I have not taken pictures of everything. I will try and update this at a later date. Some of these are not even uploaded to Instagram, so many letters so little time *sigh*. But I think that this is a good thing, I really want to be doing more writing less. Oh I've also been buying less stationery, which is most definitely GOOD! I do seeing myself letter writing less in the next few months and actually don't feel sad/bad about it.

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